Is the plastic bottle to resist high temperature? Can plastic bottles hot water? Which plastic bottles can be heated?


Author: mgg-Plastic bottle manufacturer

   The plastic bottle is mainly material such as polyethylene or polypropylene and has been made after a plurality of organic solvents. The plastic bottle is widely used with polyester (PET), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) as a raw material, and after the corresponding organic solvent is added, after heating, the plastic mold is blown, swirled, or injection molded. Plastic container. Mainly used in drinks, food, pickles, honey, dried fruit, edible oil, pertish, etc., liquid or solid disposable plastic packaging containers.

Plastic bottles have the characteristics of not easy to break, low cost, high transparency, food grade materials. ["PETE] Mineral water bottle, carbonated beverage bottle beverage bottle is used to use hot water use: heat-resistant to 70 ° C, only suitable for warm drink or frozen drink, high temperature liquid, or heating is easy to deform, Human harmful substances melt. And, scientists found that No. 1 plastic product used for 10 months, may release carcinogens DEHP, which is toxic to the testicular.

["No. 2" HDPE] cleaning supplies, bathing products cleaning does not recommend not recycling: can be used after being cleaned, but these containers are often not cleaned, and the original cleaning supplies are residual, becoming a hotbed of bacteria, It is best not to use it. ["No. 3" PVC] At present, there are very few food packaging best not to buy ["No. 4" LDPE] plastic film, plastic film, plastic film, other plastic film, don't pack the microwave in the surface of the food: is not strong in heat resistance, usually The qualified PE plastic wrap will have a hot melt in the case of more than 110 ° C, and a plastic formulation that cannot be decomposed in some human body. Also, the food is wrapped with a plastic film to heat it, and the fat in the food is easily dissolved in the wrap the harmful substances.

Therefore, food into the microwave, first remove the cling film wrapped in the package. ["No. 5" PP] When the microwave dining box is placed in the microwave, the cover is removed: the only plastic box that can be placed in the microwave can be reused after cleaning. It is necessary to pay special attention, some microwave oven box, and the casing indeed manufactured by PP, but the lid is manufactured in PE, since PE cannot be retroiled to high temperatures, so it cannot be placed in a microwave with the casing.

For insurance, the container is removed before the container is placed in the microwave. ["No. 6" PS] Bowl Bubble Box, fast food boxes, use microwave boiled bowls, easy to use: heat resistant and cold, but cannot be released in microwaves to avoid chemicals due to excessive temperature. And can not be used to dress strong acid (such as a willow orange juice), strong alkaline substance, because it will decompose polystyrene that is not good to human body, it is easy to cause cancer.

Therefore, you must try to avoid packing hot food with fast food boxes. ["No. 7" PC] Other class: kettle, water cup, bottle PC glue encountered hot release bisphenol A: A large amount of material, especially in the bottle, because of bisphenol A and controversial controversy. Lin Hanhua, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Hong Kong, said that in theory, as long as the bisphenol A is converted into a plastic structure in the process of making PC, it means that the article is complete without bisphenol A, and it will not be released.

However, if a small amount of bisphenol A is not converted into a plastic structure of the PC, it may be released to enter the food or drink. Therefore, be careful, should pay special attention when using this plastic container. The bisphenol A remaining in the PC, the higher the temperature, the more the release is more, the faster speed is also.

Therefore, it should not be hot water in a PC water bottle to avoid the speed and concentration of the release of bisphenol A (in case). If your kettle has numbered 7, the following methods can reduce risk: ● Do not use dishwasher, drying machine to clean the kettle. ● Do not heat when used.

● Do not let the kettle direct in the sun. ● Before the first use, the powder was cleaned with small soda and washed with natural drying at room temperature. Because bisphenol A will be released in the first use with long-term use.

● If the container has any falls or damage, it is recommended to stop using because there is a fine pothylation surface, which is easy to hide bacteria. ● Avoid repeated plastic appliances.

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