Author: mgg-Plastic bottle manufacturer
Which supplier's solid medicinal plastic bottle is moderate? MGG free phone: + 86-15916785363, all kinds of medicinal plastic bottles, pharmaceutical plastic bottles, medical plastic bottles produced by our factory are certified by the national authority department And obtain the production license blow molding machine plastic bottle processing project, which is very common in the process, so it is necessary to pay attention to this process. What I want to tell you is that temperature changes are critical to the treatment of plastic bottles. In the operation processing of the hollow blow molding machine, it is necessary to pay attention to temperature control to ensure that some of their production is suitable for plastic bottles.
Inactivity: Zui high temperature does not occur at a certain pressure. It is a certain number of plastic capillary rheologic in the top of the cylinder head, when heated to a certain temperature, 50 mPa after 10 minutes after heating, constant pressure, if the material is not problematic, the material is re-adds the temperature of 10 degrees After 10 minutes of insulation, the constant voltage is applied, so continues to be suspended from the mouthmail, and the material temperature of the melt flow is inactive temperature of 10 degrees. Activity temperature TF: means a highly elastic state of the amorphous polymer to a viscous stream state.
The lower limit is an amorphous plastic processing temperature; the decomposition temperature of TD: measuring the polymer of the viscous stream, when the temperature rise will exacerbate the degradation of the molecular chain, the decomposition temperature of the temperature polymer molecular chain is significantly degraded; melting temperature TM: in crystallization The polymer refers to the temperature flow mode of the three-dimensional large molecular chain planning to the remote champion, also referred to as a melting point, a lower limit temperature of crystalline polymer processing; glass transition temperature Tg: refers to amorphous polymers (Some of the crystalline polymer including amorphous crystalline polymers) from the glass state to a high elastic state can pass the latter transition temperature, the movement of the free amorphous polymer polymer segment, ZUI low temperature is the product operating temperature limit. These are commonly used in plastic bottles in the production of ZUI in plastic bottles.